
Welcome to Resumazing! We are a small business, veteran, and minority-owned company based in Las Vegas, Nevada. Our mission is to provide job seekers with the tools and resources they need to succeed in their job search and achieve their career goals.

Our products and services are designed to help job seekers create professional resumes tailored to their unique skills, experiences, and career goals. We provide customizable self-serving kits, including ATS-compatible resume content, templates, and materials. What sets us apart from other resume services is our 90/10 business model - we provide 90% of the resume content, and the job seeker completes the last 10% with final editing and modifications.

Our target market is job seekers looking to take their resumes to the next level and stand out. We understand that professional resume writing services can be expensive and often provide only one resume version that may not be tailored to each job. Our customizable kits provide job seekers with a cost-effective solution to create professional resumes tailored to their needs.

Regarding the competitive landscape, we constantly strive to improve our products and services. Our focus on providing customizable and self-serving kits and our 90/10 business model sets us apart from traditional resume services and designers.

Our growth plans include using AI models to strengthen our products and expand access and affordability. We are passionate about helping job seekers succeed, and AI technology can help us provide even more effective tools and resources to our customers.

At Resumazing, our WHY is simple - we want to help you succeed. We understand how challenging the job search process can be and want to make it easier for you. Our commitment to providing you with the tools and resources you need to succeed sets us apart from other resume services. So, if you're ready to take your resume to the next level, try Resumazing! We're committed to helping you achieve your career goals.